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2. Specify the donation amount for one or more purposes:

Stand With Ukraine

Kopā līdz uzvarai!


+ 28 subprojects
Palīdzība Leonardam Ļaksam

Out of 3 762.00 € donated 2 459.01 €

Vertikalizators - aktivitāšu galds smagi slimam zēnam

Aid to Gabriels Mutors

Out of 444 400.00 € donated 18 217.00 €

Medication for cancer treatment

Palīdzība Antonam Lastovskim

Out of 12 090.00 € donated 3 621.00 €

Vēža ārstēšana Izraēlas klīnikā

Palīdzība Artjomam Avilovam

Out of 15 000.00 € donated 380.00 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Daniēlam Izapam

Out of 4 960.00 € donated 121.00 €

Terapija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Tomam Volgastam

Out of 6 345.00 € donated 2 644.00 €

Rehabilitācija 6 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Raimondam Jānim Uzuleņam

Out of 4 800.00 € donated 2 728.03 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus vecam puisēnam

Palīdzība Austrim Jānim Vaišļam

Out of 5 760.00 € donated 775.00 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus vecam puisēnam

Palīdzība Artūram Stradam

Out of 10 176.00 € donated 210.00 €

Tehniskais palīglīdzeklis un rehabilitācija jaunietim

Palīdzība Raimondam Švarcam

Out of 7 999.94 € donated 1 506.50 €

Rehabilitācija 13 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Sanitai Kumpiņai

Out of 39 910.00 € donated 19 847.00 €

Medikamenti vēža ārstniecībai

Palīdzība Vladimiram Šuļginam

Out of 10 080.00 € donated 388.38 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Annai Eleonorai Drēviņai

Out of 5 760.00 € donated 5.00 €

Terapija 12 gadus vecai meitenei

Palīdzība Dominikam Lūkasam Jansonam

Out of 3 360.00 € donated 1 240.08 €

ABA terpija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Atkārtota palīdzība Iļjam Freibergam

Out of 6 440.00 € donated 20.00 €

ABA terapija 9 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Miai Annai Koļesovai

Out of 5 760.00 € donated 1 056.38 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus jaunai meitenītei

For the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv

Donated 222 927.13 €

Support for the Kyiv children's hospital

+ 1 subprojects
Palīdzība Jēkabam Teberniekam

Out of 4 000.00 € donated 1 230.42 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Jānim Lipinskim

Out of 9 540.00 € donated 3 490.50 €

Rehabilitācija 16 gadus vecam pusaudzim

Palīdzība Danielam Kuņejevam

Out of 2 400.00 € donated 1 285.50 €

Terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Marijai Ogorodņikovai

Out of 6 310.00 € donated 2 078.50 €

Rehabilitācija 5 gadus jaunai meitenītei

Palīdzība Mārcim Gabrielam Markovam

Out of 10 680.00 € donated 4 202.06 €

Rehabilitācija 10 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Daria Vaseho

Out of 9 720.00 € donated 3 970.00 €

Rehabilitācija 7 gadus jaunai meitenei

Palīdzība Keitai Vītiņai

Out of 7 320.00 € donated 5 057.50 €

Rehabilitācija 5 gadus jaunai meitenītei

Palīdzība Dāvidam Romanovam

Out of 6 720.00 € donated 4 953.81 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Diānai Boļšakovai

Out of 3 360.00 € donated 1 733.61 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus jaunai meitenītei

Palīdzība Marijai Bozovičai

Out of 7 680.00 € donated 3 521.00 €

Rehabilitācija 8 gadus jaunai meitenei

Palīdzība Braienam Mednim

Out of 2 208.00 € donated 1 555.50 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Dināram Kalniņam

Out of 5 000.00 € donated 954.50 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Justīnei Skrebai

Out of 2 568.00 € donated 1 783.50 €

Medikamenti hormonu trūkuma kompensēšanai

Palīdzība Aleksandram Ļevčenko

Out of 15 669.00 € donated 448.76 €

Medikamenti vēža ārstniecībai

Help Infants and Toddlers Grow!

Donated 9 591.52 €

Early rehabilitation for infants and toddlers

For the Hopes of Little Hearts

Donated 20 769.29 €

Treatment and rehabilitation for seriously ill children

+ 11 subprojects
For Chronically and Terminally Ill People

Donated 11 637.00 €

Treatment and palliative care

+ 20 subprojects
Make a Child's Dream Come True!

Donated 30 610.73 €

Aid for children and adolescents with mobility impairments

+ 12 subprojects
For Children With Autism

Donated 16 997.61 €

Help for children with autistic spectrum disorder

+ 54 subprojects
Medical Massage

Donated 2 439.05 €

Medical massage for seriously ill children

For Families with Disabled Children

Donated 12 000.00 €

Practical help for families with children with special needs

For Mothers of Seriously Ill Children

Donated 15 752.34 €

Support for mothers raising seriously ill children

Dental Treatment for People with Special Needs

Donated 1 889.00 €

Dentistry for people with special needs

+ 2 subprojects
For Oncology Patients

Donated 23 638.18 €

Treatment and Care

+ 30 subprojects
Help in Emergency Situations

Donated 5 575.48 €

Help for families in emergency situations

For Families in Poverty

Donated 17 952.50 €

Support in critical situations and the solving of everyday problems

Help for Elderly People

Donated 26 561.95 €

Help for vulnerable elderly people in Latvia

Before you fly, plant a tree!

Donated 17 270.86 €

Planting trees to offset the CO2 footprint of your airline flights

Total: 0.00

3. Payment type:

4. Donor:

Name, Surname

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

2 628 476.92 €