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For the Hopes of Little Hearts

In the hearts of many small children lives hope. To be like their peers, to meet new friends, to run and play with them, to secretly do something naughty, and to make their parents happy. Yet there are children among us for whom this is just hope. They have been affected by illnesses that deny the joy of movement or traumas that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

Let's help!

The Project is placed online on: 01.01.2025 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

Current subprojects:

Palīdzība Robijam Rojam Treijam

Out of 1 665.84 € donated 1 665.84 €

Aktivitāšu krēsls pusaudzim

Palīdzība Ornelai Dančenko

Out of 7 320.00 € donated 7 333.07 €

Terapija pusaudzei

Palīdzība Martai Lindei

Out of 1 705.00 € donated 1 706.00 €

Autokrēsls 6 gadus jaunai meitenei

Palīdzība Darinai Seņko

Out of 5 200.00 € donated 2 482.00 €

Terapija 10 gadus jaunai meitenei

Total: 0.00

Name, Surname

Completed projects:

Other topical projects

Palīdzība Rodionam Solniškinam

Palīdzība Jurim Slišānam

For Children With Autism

Palīdzība Daniilam Teivānam

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

595 370.31 €