Follow us Today has already donated 17,342.82 €



16.5 million euros to support Ukraine!

Latvian peoples and companies have donated 16.5 million euros to support Ukraine. With the help of largest Latvian charity organisation, donations have turned into real and practical help.


Military equipment produced in Latvia is going to Ukraine

Good news is coming true - with the funds donated by the people of Latvia in the amount of 323,000 euros, military equipment manufactured in Latvia was purchased - nine quadricycles with nine combat platforms and four military scooters.


10 Foxes for Ukraine!

Ukraine's president asks the world to help with military equipment to win the war. Need help! We will send 10 Foxes to Ukraine!


10 buses donated by Rīgas Satiksme are going to Kyiv

This morning, 10 buses donated to Kyiv by Riga Traffic began their journey to Kyiv.


896,701 EUR was donated in the DOD PIECI 2022 charity marathon

At the end of the DOD PIECI 2022 charity marathon, 896,701 euros were donated to support Ukrainian children. The donated funds will help Ukrainian refugee children in Latvia.


RT @LRZinas: Katram ir iespēja palīdzēt plūdos cietušajiem Ukrainas iedzīvotājiem! Ziedot iespējams portālā @ziedot_lv vai zvanot uz labdar…

2 annual before

About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

541 441.41 €