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28.09.2009 / Project

Support for Jekaterina Grudņicka

Jekaterina is 10 years old. She has infantile cerebral palsy.
She is in the 3rd grade. Jekaterina really loves to learn. She has a speech disorder and she finds it hard to communicate with her peers, as they do not understand her. The support of her mother is always needed. Jekaterina can walk wh...

28.09.2009 / Project

Support for Edijs Bondars

Six year old Edijs has autism, severe speech disorders and can says only a few words. He lives in his own world; he really likes cars, but has a short attention span.
Together with his little sister, Edijs and his parents live in Balvi district, Bērzpils; he attends speech therapy kindergarten, ...

28.09.2009 / Project

Support for Diāna Štiļermane

Diāna is nine years old and suffers from a severe disease – infantile cerebral palsy. She has spastic right side hemiparesis with movement disability in her leg. She also has vision problems.
Diāna really loves to draw, play and listen to music. She very much wants to do everything her peers are...

28.09.2009 / Project

Support for Anastasija Luse

Anastasija is three years old. She has glaucoma of the left eye. The vision loss for the left eye is -17. She currently uses a contact lens.
Anastasija likes to draw and sing. She is good at remembering the stories her mother reads to her.
Anastasija has a twin sister, who has the 3rd level of h...

25.09.2009 / Project

To Hear a Mother’s Voice

Children with severe hearing disabilities have different dreams. They wish to hear the voices of their mothers; to be equal when playing with their peers and dream of hearing piano music or movies.
Digital hearing aids are necessary to provide the opportunity for three hearing-impaired children –...


RT @LRZinas: Katram ir iespēja palīdzēt plūdos cietušajiem Ukrainas iedzīvotājiem! Ziedot iespējams portālā @ziedot_lv vai zvanot uz labdar…

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

541 476.41 €