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For Families with Disabled Children

Every human wants to be happy. For some, happiness is a good job, a loving family, or a successful career. But in Latvia, there are several thousand families for whom happiness would mean for their child to recover from a serious disease or condition.

Parents need true love and patience to persevere, as their daily life goes by fighting for their child. It is not an easy situation psychologically and in the sense of social security. The parents have to rearrange their lives, work, friendships and try to accept that life changes despite our will and dreams. It hurts to accept that your child won't be healthy, won't be able to fulfil their dreams of an independent life.

Sense of guilt, hopelessness, and even doom can overtake the parents — if they are not able to give their child everything possible to save them or at least slightly improve their condition. There are many examples of how we can support these families. A child can eat by themselves after special therapy, without the mother feeding them. A child can freely move around the apartment without posing danger to themselves — if the apartment is adjusted. A child can leave the apartment without having to be carried down the stairs by their mother even at 12 years of age — if the stairs are equipped with stairlifts.

The families need our support and the feeling, that these children and their parents too are needed for Latvia's society. Only we can create a society where the child with special needs can feel a sense of belonging, importance, and worthiness of love and attention. Families with disabled children also need practical help, to relieve their everyday lives.

Let's help families with disabled children with our donations!

The Project is placed online on: 29.12.2023 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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4 541 607.52 €