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Safe steps

Children grow at an incredible speed. Sometimes it seems that the child stretched out during the night and one morning you see that nothing fits anymore - the shoes are tight, the pants are too short and the shirt barely covers the navel. Only able to search and buy the next necessary things. For parents raising children with mobility impairments, this task is even more complicated. They should also keep an eye on whether, as the child grows, new orthoses are also needed, which, like shoes, at some point start to press and interfere.

Correct orthoses are very important. They help reduce deformations or delay their formation. With the help of orthoses, it is possible to both improve movement and (if necessary) limit it. There are many different types of orthoses. Therefore, it is important to be under the supervision of knowledgeable specialists regularly. In order to understand exactly what each of the children needs, specialist consultation is required. Combined consultations of a physiotherapist and a technical orthopedist are provided in the children's rehabilitation center POGA. Consultations for children are free of charge. However, the cost of one such consultation is 55 euros, as two highly qualified specialists participate.

Let's help children with mobility impairments find the most suitable orthotics and take safe steps towards new victories!

The Project is placed online on: 31.03.2023

Project completed 31.12.2023 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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