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Recurrent Help for Anastasija Ideļkina

Anastasija kindly asks for our help to pay her yearly rehabilitation expenses. She is 25 years old and lives in Jēkabpils with her parents. The young woman has been seriously ill from birth. She has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, spasticity, and mental development issues.

Anastasija can walk, but with great difficulty. She has survived four surgeries, and she suffers from epilepsy attacks. Her daily life passes learning at a boarding school and on the weekends she requires full parental supervision and care. Anastasija's condition has improved from regular rehabilitation, otherwise, it would be difficult to say whether she could walk. Anastasija's dad works as a janitor, and sometimes he must take Anastasija with him to work if there is no one to leave her with. They like going to concerts and different events.

Anastasija regularly undergoes rehabilitation to not worsen her condition. Her family asks to help pay for the rehabilitation course at the centre ''Jaunķemeri''. One rehabilitation course which is 14 days long costs 1200 euros. The course includes equine therapy, massages, and the costs of a guardian during rehabilitation. Both of her parents work but they are not able to save up this sum.

Let's help Anastasija!

The Project is placed online on: 18.12.2022

Project completed 26.01.2023 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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