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Power generators for Ukraine 2022

As a result of aggressive Russian airstrikes, 40% of Ukraine's electricity supply infrastructure has been damaged. Many settlements have neither electricity nor heating. But winter and the enemy do not wait. Cities and villages are plunged into darkness and cold, and there is no water or communication. This is a new, cruel reality that Ukrainians have to face.

In order to ensure the operation of schools, hospitals, kindergartens and army units at least to a minimum extent, power generators are needed.

At times, it is the only possibility to heat tea, charge a phone, with the powerful generators you can provide light, water and heating. In October alone, sent 57 generators to Ukraine. And every day we continue to receive new requests from different parts of Ukraine to help provide generators. Let's help Ukraine!

The Project is placed online on: 07.11.2022

Project completed 30.03.2023 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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