Follow us Today has already donated 65.00 €

Palīdzība Paulai Patrīcijai Rumpei

Report 29.02.2024

Atskaite, februāris, 2024

60 eiro RC Poga, rēķins Nr. 156, 19.02.2024 fizioterapijas nodarbības 2x

Atskaite, aprīlis, 2023

300 eiro RC Poga, rēķins Nr. 411, 26.04.2023 TheraSuit II terapijas nodarbības 15x, laika periods 12.02.-03.03.2024

Atskaite, decembris, 2022

120 eiro RC Poga, rēķins Nr. 1169, 15.11.2022  fizioterapija 4x

Atskaite, novembris, 2021

2757.50 eiro K4 Medical OU., rēķins Nr. 1021/00003, 21.10.2021  pozicionēšanas rīki
2100 eiro Ortoadaptic SIA, avansa rēķins A-ORT009, 08.11.2021 Sēdēšanas sistēma SCANALP

Sirsnīgs paldies visiem ziedotājiem!

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

1 570 085.60 €