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Let's help Viesturs Zariņš

Report 31.03.2022

Februāris - marts 2022

6.3/2021/3238 Gintarine vaistine UBA FJN22000150 04.02.2022        5 111,53 € ​medikamenti 
6.3/2021/3249 VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETO LIGONINE SANTAROS KLINIKOS MPL-22-7014 10.02.2022              66,20 € Ārstēšanās slimnīcā
6.3/2021/3288 VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETO LIGONINE SANTAROS KLINIKOS 035 14.02.2022              66,20 € Ārstēšanās slimnīcā
6.3/2021/3288-2 Viesturs Zariņš Pielikums nr.1 pie LĪGUMA nr. PL/2022/0013, 12.01.2022 17.02.2022        2 555,00 € ​medikamenti 
6.3/2021/3356 CILVĒKS, SIA 20220048 24.02.2022            280,00 € Ārstēšanās slimnīcā
6.3/2021/3419 Gintarine vaistine UBA FJN22 Nr.000263 03.03.2022        5 111,52 € Medikamenti
6.3/2021/3499 VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETO LIGONINE SANTAROS KLINIKOS 036 10.03.2022              66,20 € Ārstēšanās slimnīcā


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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

2 628 471.92 €