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Help Infants and Toddlers Grow!

Every child comes into this world as an individual with their own inner world. When born, the child leaves a safe and familiar place and enters an environment where all sensations are new and unknown. The child must learn how to overcome the force of gravitation, and acquaint new scents, sounds, and environments.

There are children who don't develop according to their age due to illness during pregnancy, birth traumas, and different disorders. It is difficult for the parents to witness their child struggle in achieving the milestones of movement — rolling over, sitting, and walking. Medical professionals recognise that in such cases, it is important to provide help as early as possible. Early rehabilitation for children up to three years can significantly aid their development.

 In the rehabilitation centre ''Poga'', a special programme ''Podziņa'' has been developed for children from birth to five years. The rehabilitation programme is adjusted individually, considering that every child is special and with their own daily rhythm. A range of specialists work in the rehabilitation centre – a pediatric neurologist, a physiotherapist, a rehabilitation doctor, and an occupational therapist. If necessary other specialists are recommended for treatment, including speech therapists, nutritionists, orthopedists, etc. The specialists work in a team. During the first meeting, the team of specialists view and examine the child, to create a shared treatment plan and goals. Every therapist uses work methods that will be the most effective in achieving the therapeutic goals. In addition to the already known methods of physiotherapy, sessions will make use of kinesiologic and craniosacral therapy techniques. The duration of the rehabilitation programme is determined by specialists, taking into account the abilities of the child. The rehabilitation process is regularly discussed in meetings of specialists, which allows to work towards shared goals, discuss achievements, and set new goals.

 The cost of one session in the early rehabilitation programme ''Podziņa'' is 30 euros.

The Project is placed online on: 30.12.2022

Project completed 31.12.2023 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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