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Support for Vladislavs Mazaļevskis

Vladislavs was born in the 23rd – 24th week of pregnancy. Twins were born, but one of them did not survive. The struggle for Vladislavs’ life was long, but the family finally won. Doctors diagnosed two diseases – infantile cerebral palsy and permanent blindness. 10 years have passed since then, full of despair, hope and great work to regain Vladislavs’ health. Now, Vladislavs studies at school and knows three languages and is a wonderful singer.

Thanks to the support of contributors, Vladislavs has undergone eight eye surgeries in Saint Petersburg. Many thanks for this support! These were not the last surgeries; more are needed. The family is trying to save his eyesight. Vladislavs sees only lights, shadows and movement.

Vladislavs is not walking on is own yet; he spends a lot of time exercising and has already achieved results – he walks when held by the hands and is able to stand for one minute on his own.

Vladislavs needs LVL 3 865 for the eye surgery and the rehabilitation course. The family is asking contributors for support because their funding is not enough.

For more information about Vladislavs, please contact his mother, Inna, by calling +371 26710260.

Project published in the portal: 17 April 2009 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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