Follow us Today has already donated 1,505.00 €

Nabadzīgām ģimenēm ar bērniem

Report 30.11.2020

Novembris 2020

INLA, pz IN-20-11-11-1, 11.11.2020., jaunvistiņas 100 gab., summa 700 eiro; 
Patrika, SIA, rēķins Nr. EMLV770200081458, 30.10.2020., pārtika, higiēnas preces, summa 121.71 eiro
Kuattro, pz KU 153/20, 3.11.2020., malka, summa 246.40 eiro
SIA Patrika, rēķins nr. EMLV095200148512, 07.11.2020., pārtika un saimniecības preces, summa 159.85 eiro
SIA Patrika, rēķins nr. EMLV095200152724, 13.11.2020., pārtika un saimniecības preces, summa 51.43 eiro
Cik-Opt, rēķins nr. CIK432020, 20.11.2020., brilles bērnam, summa 70 eiro
LLU , rēķins nr. 005277, 10.11.2020., studiju maksa, summa 590 eiro; 
Nuko, pz 1002793378, 02.11.2020., pārtika, saimniecības preces, summa 170.66 eiro, 
Kesko Senukai Digital, faktūrrēķins Nr. LV0000168748, 03.11.2020., saldētava, summa 205.99 eiro

Kopā 2316.04 eiro

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

1 571 525.60 €