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For Children With Autism

It is emotionally and physically difficult to raise a child with special needs, especially with autism spectrum disorder. These children only use a few words in communication, live in their own world, and have difficulty expressing their emotions.

Every parent hopes that their little angel will once say the words ''mum'' and ''dad''; learn those things that seem self-evident for parents of healthy children.

Children with autistic spectrum disorder suffer from not being able to express themselves. These children cannot be left alone, because they are not aware of the consequences of their actions. If they are not heard and understood, anger attacks can occur. During these moments, the child with autism can hurt themselves and their siblings.

For others, it is almost impossible to understand the anguish and helplessness experienced by the parents of these children. In the long term, families have to give up many things. Plan every step. Overcome stress and negative emotions. And the families need support and understanding from those around them. Their children don't have friends, spaces in kindergartens and schools, and dreams about a future profession.

There is no panacea to turn everything around. The acclaimed ABA therapy can help children with autism improve their social skills. ABA therapy teaches the child to communicate their feelings through signs and pictures. Unfortunately, ABA therapy is not paid for by the state and costs on average 3600 euros yearly. Additionally, these children require speech therapy, Montessori, occupational therapy, and other therapies. It is in our power to help these families pay for therapy!



The Project is placed online on: 02.01.2024 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

Current subprojects:

Palīdzība Arsenijam Zenčenko

Out of 3 824.00 € donated 90.00 €

ABA terapija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Madarai Auzānei

Out of 7 600.00 € donated 2 646.59 €

ABA terapijas un audiologopēda nodarbības

Palīdzība Markusam Bemberim

Out of 5 460.00 € donated 963.00 €

ABA terapija 13 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Oskaram Sergejevam

Out of 941.00 € donated 211.00 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Damiram Paeglem

Out of 797.00 € donated 25.00 €

Audiologopēda nodarbības 4 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Volodaram Avlasko

Out of 11 451.00 € donated 4 255.00 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Henrikam Kalniņam

Out of 7 280.00 € donated 3 539.08 €

ABA terapija 8 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Romanam Maļinovskim

Out of 5 600.00 € donated 5 849.33 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Nikitam Sprukulim

Out of 4 200.00 € donated 85.00 €

ABA terapija 3 gadus vecam puisēnam

Palīdzība Ričardam Segliņam

Out of 1 314.00 € donated 655.00 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Kevinam Leo Sokolovam

Out of 5 376.00 € donated 2 486.02 €

ABA terapija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Jēkabam Zumentam

Out of 1 594.00 € donated 465.04 €

ABA terapija 5 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Ņikitam Burijam

Out of 3 295.00 € donated 105.00 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Emanuelam Gražulim

Out of 6 240.00 € donated 4 600.00 €

ABA terapija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Sārai Savčukai

Out of 10 080.00 € donated 5 097.25 €

Attīstošās ABA nodarbības

Palīdzība Mihailam Muhinam

Out of 3 120.00 € donated 966.00 €

ABA terapija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Andim Ziemiņam

Out of 2 124.00 € donated 1 699.56 €

ABA terapija 9 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Vladislavam Izoitko

Out of 1 881.00 € donated 412.00 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Evertam Unam

Out of 5 000.00 € donated 1 351.00 €

Attistošās ABA nodarbības 4 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Eleonorai Kļavai

Out of 5 544.00 € donated 1 424.00 €

Terapija 8 gadus jaunai meitenei

Palīdzība Tomasam Meļķim

Out of 3 360.00 € donated 3 037.00 €

ABA terapija 6 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Nikitam Smorigo

Out of 3 500.00 € donated 1 573.50 €

ABA terapija 3 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Bogdanam Parmenenkovam

Out of 4 620.00 € donated 1 196.50 €

ABA terapija mazulītim

Palīdzība Linardam Liepiņam

Out of 5 229.00 € donated 2 218.00 €

Terapija 4 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Mihailam Strogonovam

Out of 6 720.00 € donated 1 572.00 €

Terapija 4 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdziba Nikolasam Lipskim

Out of 4 200.00 € donated 1 418.00 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Pēterim Brūverim

Out of 3 952.00 € donated 1 810.00 €

Terapija 6 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Kirilam Žuželo

Out of 7 620.78 € donated 98.00 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Rodrigo Lormanim

Out of 4 931.00 € donated 322.00 €

ABA terapija 6 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Raivim Mitrošenko

Out of 7 680.00 € donated 1 567.00 €

ABA terapija 8 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Džeimsam Feldmanim

Out of 5 460.00 € donated 1 192.00 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus vecam puisēnam

Palīdzība Aleksandram Račickim

Out of 5 940.00 € donated 1 031.00 €

Terapija 7 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Georgam Ketekatam

Out of 7 920.00 € donated 971.00 €

Terapija 8 gadus jaunam zēnam

Atkārtota palīdzība Albertam Strautmanim

Out of 7 052.00 € donated 549.00 €

Terapija 10 gadus vecam zēnam

Palīdzība Markusam Sidorovam

Out of 6 500.00 € donated 947.00 €

ABA terapija 9 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Nazarijam Pegasovam

Out of 5 000.00 € donated 1 271.00 €

ABA terapija 7 gadus jaunam zēnam

Atkārtota palīdzība Anastasijai Romančukai

Out of 5 200.00 € donated 966.00 €

Attīstošās ABA nodarbības

Atkārtota palīdzība Romānam Rustamovam

Out of 7 000.00 € donated 586.00 €

Attīstošās ABA un logopēda nodarbības

Palīdzība Vadimam Muraško

Out of 2 880.00 € donated 523.00 €

ABA terapija 12 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Āronam Salemam

Out of 5 000.00 € donated 538.00 €

ABA terapija 4 gadus jaunam zēnam

Palīdzība Melanijai Teterevai

Out of 3 680.00 € donated 950.00 €

ABA terapija 5 gadus jaunai meitenei

Palīdzība Milai un Nikolajam Grohoļskiem

Out of 12 750.00 € donated 2 443.00 €

Terapija māsai un brālim

Total: 0.00

Name, Surname

Completed projects:

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About us is a charity organization founded in 2003 with the mission to channel individual and business donations to people in need. is offering a safe, easy and transparent way to support carefully verified and selected charity projects, to follow-up their progress and be sure your donation has reached the goal.

Donation Statistics

This year

1 564 122.60 €