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Benevolence day 2015

When a family faces a child’s illness, it completely changes the child’s and its parents’ life. Starting from that moment, a single day is devoted to the ill child’s needs in order to secure the necessary treatment and rehabilitation. Parents have high hopes that, by providing their children with all the available help, their condition will improve and illness will disappear as if it was a bad dream.

Four families from Aizpute Region need your help. Boys have serious developmental disorders. Regular rehabilitation efforts are necessary to improve their health and to induce their development.

When Nick was 6 years old, he was diagnosed with grade 2 brain tumour. The boy underwent the operation followed by radiation therapy. The tumour was killed, but it left severe consequences to the boy’s development. The boy experience difficulties learning within school curriculum. Niks cannot focus for long periods of time, he gets tired quickly, is unable to concentrate. Niks is diagnosed with mental disorder.

Karlis is a 2-year old little boy. Aged 8 months, he developed seizures which repeated several times a day for 30 seconds each. Seizures have not been observed since the boy had undergone drug therapy; however, the boy is developmentally delayed. Karlis started to walk on his own only at 1 year and 9 months. Teaching the boy something new takes more time than it would normally do with other children of his age.    

A 2-year old Orests Janis has spastic cerebral palsy with paraplegia. The boy came into the world premature, in a complicated birth. Because of dropsy caused by haemorrhage, fluids accumulated in the brain. The boy is crawling, but he does it unsteady. The spastic foot delays his physical development. Orests cannot focus on one thing for long periods.

Victor was born in a complicated birth during which the boy suffered oxygen deprivation. It left heavy consequences to his further development. The boy did not crawl and sit up on his own; he started to walk at the age of two. Currently, the biggest problem is Victor’s speech development; the boy speaks his own language.

The parents, whenever it is possible, ensure paid services from speech therapists, phycologists and osteopaths. However, to contribute to the children’s brain and mental development, doctors recommend regular habilitation sessions based on the Montessori method.

The Montessori method is one of the means to develop children’s emotional world, their intellectual and physical abilities. The therapy will enrich their language; it will improve their perceptual development and thinking skills, as well as will build their motor skills and contribute to their emotional development. This method will allow children integrate into the society and learn within curriculum. EUR 64 a month will give one child eight sessions based on the Montessori method, it is EUR 768 a year.

EUR 3.072 in total will allow Niks, Karlis, Orests Janis and Viktors attend sessions based on the Montessori method for 12 months.

The education based on the Montessori method provided by the Public Agency for Children with Special Needs “Saulessvece”.

Let us help the boys get well.

The Project is placed online on: 27.04.2015

Project completed 15.06.2015 for donations does not charge any commissions or brokerage fees. All the donated money reaches 100% for its intended purpose. administrative costs not covered by your donations.

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